Haven's Realm Blog Site


Author Introduction
~ Books ~ Treacherous Destiny The Darker Path Dragon Lord Haven's King

Greetings, lovers of the paranormal!

Thank you for dropping by! I am Tamara Monteau, author of the vampire romance series Haven's Realm. Once a child of the Pacific Northwest, I now reside in Georgia. To learn more about me and why I became a writer, please visit my Author page.

All the novels in the series have been rewritten, and are currently being prepared for submission. There are nine completed books so far, with more to come. Three have made their way back to online stores, and the fourth is near completion.

I've written articles for those that are released, explaining why I wrote each one and offering background on how the stories evolved. Here you will also find an excerpt that will, hopefully, pique your curiosity enough to want more.

I would love to hear from you, and I always answer reader inquiries, so please feel free to contact me on Facebook, my usual haunt. My blog site contains articles of interest to vampire enthusiasts, news and updates, and, on occasion, guest bloggers.

So come on in and have a look around. My friends won't bite without permission, but they will attempt to leave you enthralled.

Respectfully submitted,

~Tamara Monteau, Author

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600 years ago, a new vampire clan arose...

While war between the clans escalated and the mortal population began taking notice, a group of brave friends, led by Jason, former king from ancient Greece, gathered atop Mount Olympus. Their goal? To strike a bargain with higher powers, one unlike any conceived before.

Welcome to Haven's Realm, home of the Community. The stories in this saga bring an end to the tremulous peace between the clans. The Council of Elders must do all they can to avoid an all-out war and defend the Bargain. The vampires of the Community seek to minimize their footprint on the mortal world, and desire most of all to be left in peace to explore their gifts and all of creation.

While each Haven's Realm story may be read separately, and have different characters of their own, this sensual romance series paints an on-going struggle that grows with each tale as the saga unfolds. These novels are intended for mature readers.


Haven's Realm site last updated August 2, 2023.
All contents copyright© 2003, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2015, 2021, 2022, 2023 by Tamara Monteau.
All Rights Reserved.